Roasted Broccoli Quinoa Salad

Let’s all scream it together now – hello roasted broccoli quinoa salad! Yes, I am screaming about this delightful vegan salad because it’s just that darn good. The base of the salad is quinoa. I love using quinoa because it is healthy, hearty, and a good source of protein. I don’t do wimpy salads. I don’t want to walk away from my salad feeling hungry and I promise this salad will leave you satisfied. Quinoa is easy to make and here are my tips for cooking perfect quinoa every single time! Sweet, tart, crunchy and filling, this roasted broccoli salad is plant-based perfection. Getting more veggies in has never been tastier! How to Lose Weight in a Week: 3 Tips To Win Recommend Article Article Comments Print ArticleShare this article on FacebookShare this article on TwitterShare this article on LinkedinShare this article on DeliciousShare this article on DiggShare this article on RedditShare this article on PinterestExpert Author Vanessa Jones When you want to know how to lose ...